How do guests RSVP?


How to RSVP on the Event's Website

  • Navigate to the website URL provided by hosts
  • Enter the Wedding/Access Code if required
  • Click "RSVP" within site navigation
  • You may be asked to enter your name after your email address depending on hosts' privacy settings
  • If a plus one has been assigned to you that option will appear before you can RSVP for yourself
  • Once through any privacy settings, click “Accept” or “Decline” for the event
  • Clicking “Accept” is required to view Menu Options or any other RSVP question added
  • Once an answer is highlighted that means it was recorded
  • Guests can change their response at any time by following the same steps, and then selecting their new RSVP choice 
  • Once guests RSVP they will receive a confirmation email.


How to RSVP from the Appy Couple / Appy Life app: 

  • You will need to have downloaded your hosts' app and enter the code provided
  • You may be asked to enter your name after your email address depending on hosts' privacy settings
  • Once you've entered the app, navigate to the RSVP tab in the menu
  • Tap Your Name or your group member's name and proceed to the sub-event.
  • Tap "Accept" or "Decline"
  • For guests with a plus 1 option, they will need to tap the “Add +1” in the RSVP page to add their guest/s.
  • If a menu widget or other question has been added, it will appear below the Accept/Decline buttons
  • Guests should tap their desired answer to save selection. RSVP buttons will change to appropriate color
  • Guests can change their response at any time by following the same steps, and then selecting their new RSVP choice 


Group RSVPs: 

Any member of a guest group can RSVP for the entire party. Members of the group can also RSVP for themselves or edit an RSVP or their meal preference. 

If you have created ‘Groups’ in your Guest list, any guest of that group can now RSVP for the entire party. Each individual guest of the group who logs in will see the same information—even add additional +1 or +2 information (perfect for couples with kids)

How Group RSVPs Work for guests via your app or website:

  • Guest will sign in with their email address or a name match (depending on your privacy settings) and as always to access RSVP. Guest will be prompted to RSVP for each group member, including any RSVP questions and widgets you may have set up
  • If tone group member was given a Plus one, any group member can add the plus one's name (great when you group a couple together and add +2 for kids names you don’t know)
  • Note: Emails need to match with the email address assigned to them on your Appy guest list
  • RSVP confirmation emails will be sent to the member of the group that RSVPd



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